Friday, January 30, 2015

My First Few Days in Thailand

My Second Day in Thailand
A big part of why I'm here is because I'll be raising funds for a new property for a transition home that Life Impact needs for children that the government wants to hand over to us. These children can't just be put on the main property with the other kids, because they first need to be taught and healed of their past. Many of them have been passed around in a foster type system and need to be prepared mentally and emotionally for what it means to be part of a real family. A big part of that is not to hurt others. If they are immediately put onto the main property, the other children are at risk of getting hurt by them. Life Impact is the only organization over here that the government is approving to receive all of these orphan children. When receiving such a large volume of kids so quickly, it needs to be done carefully and correctly so that these children get the attention and healing they need. 

The price of property in this area has gone up dramatically over the past few years. And the board wanted Lana to get prices of different land before just pursuing one. So, we spent a good part of this day looking at different property and documenting details about it. It allowed Lana and I more time together for her to share more about the ministry together. 

A Little Tour
After that, One of the missionaries brought Ashley and I to "no-mans land" on the Thai/Bhurma border and then to the dump where many of the children are rescued. They are both large targets for human trafficking, because these families are homeless and absolutely the least of these. They just wanted us to see where many of those joyful kids came from so we could get our bearings. 

When you get to the Bhurma border, you'll see an area of brush and dirt area next to a river and then Bhurma is on the other side of the border. In the brush area live a population of homeless people including many children. Different families come and go from here. Because the parents are so poor and often strung out on crack, they will sell their children to the first person who offers, for just a few bucks. Those kids are then often put into child brothels or put on the street to beg for money until they are too old.  Life Impact's goal is to interfere with the human traffickers finding these children first. They do that best by doing outreaches in this area and building relationships with the people here. 

We walked along a paved path, looking over the river and I took a picture of what our view was. 

One of the buildings pictured is a women's brothel and one is a children's brothel. Men go to these places to rape them. These little girls and women are raped sometimes 10 times a day. I know you probably don't want to hear about that and it's not pleasant to think about, but people need to know what's going on. When I play with the children we've rescued, it's so hard to imagine the life they would've faced if someone didn't step in on their behalf.

After the border, we visited the dump where many families live and dig through the trash for recyclables. I'll try and write more about this later. In the meantime, here are some pictures.

Day 3
One of the most special things I've gotten to do in my time here so far is minister to the youth. I was asked to speak to the youth on Friday night and God put a message on my heart to share about reading the Bible and staying strong in the Lord. I shared about putting on the armor of God, emphasizing the importance of reading your Bible regularly. 

These children's are already giants in God's army. They are literally reaching a lost nation. One boy shared with me that when he started going to school, there were maybe 10 other children who were Christian. Now since the Life Impact youth have been going to that school, there are over 200 Christians children at the school who they have gladly shared with! 

When they do outreaches to children at the dump or in other areas, it is usually the children who share the gospel with them. When you live in an area where you don't know when you are going to eat your next meal and you don't even feel loved, it's a no-brainier when someone shares the love of God with you. That all you have to do is confess Christ as your Lord and accept him into your heart. That is why there is such radical moves of God, because the people are so hungry for it. And the people who have it want to share. 

These children are so bold and I loved being able to talk with them and encourage them. After I shared with them, I prayed for each of them individually. That was such a special time and I know many of them heard God speaking to them on a specific issue in their heart. These kids absolutely amaze me and it is such a privilege and blessing to be with them. 

Day 4
On Saturday, we went with some of our youth girls and passed out shoes at a different orphanage. I got to help find the right size for each kid. You can see in the picture below that this boy was wearing shoes that didn't fit him for quite a while. He is bowing, saying thank you. 

My time here has been such a blessing. The more I learn about what this ministry is doing, the more I am amazed. We have been able to spend a lot of time with the rescued children, just playing. 

I miss my family very much, but I know this is a special time in my life and one day I will get to share with my children about my time over here and how important it is to reach out to others. Please pray that my family stays healthy. Both Madison and Jacob have had their own battles with stomach issues. It's hard not being able to care for them. But I am able to Skype with them almost every day and pray for them. 

Thank you everyone for your continued prayers. 

God bless,

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