Sunday, July 7, 2013

Our New Life With The Twins

Mine and Jacobs lives have drastically changed over the past couple months, but definitely for the better. In May I gave birth to our adorable babies - Madison and Grayson. It has been an absolute whirlwind since, but definitely the good kind :)

When I was pregnant and first found out we were having twins, I probably could've been admitted freaked out a little. I couldn't wrap my brain around what it would be like to have two babies needing my constant attention. Basically, it just sounded like a lot of work. But by the end of my pregnancy, I was looking forward to meeting them. And now, I can't imagine my life without them. We are having so much fun! Yes, it's a lot of "work" keeping up with them. However, it doesn't feel like a burden as I thought it would. I just do it and can't stop looking at their cute little faces in the process.

I have been out and about with them quite a bit. Wouldn't you get out ASAP if you were on bed rest for 10 weeks? We visit with family a lot and I have a mom's group I'm a part of through my church. Overall, we have a great support system. And I think that makes all the difference. Jacob and I wanted to make sure that we didn't allow having babies to put too much stress on our relationship. So, we've actually been able to go out on a few dates already. Thank you to our family for that!

I get asked a lot of questions about the twins, so I thought I would answer some common ones for everyone.

Q: How big were they when they were born?
A: Madison was 4lbs. 13oz; Grayson was 5lbs. 4 oz.

Q: Are they identical?
A: No. lol - they're a boy and a girl. So, thank God they're not identical!

Q: Do you get any sleep?
A: Yes, there are definitely some tough nights. But I usually average 7 hours a night. It's getting easier now that they sleep for at least one 4-hour stretch during the night.

Q: Do you breastfeed?
A: Yes - no I'm not going to go into a bunch of detail about it here on my blog.

Q: How did you fit them in there?
A: Through the grace of God - I could barely walk by the end.

Q: Did you have them naturally?
A: No, I had a c-section and I'm so glad I did.

Here's a couple pics of the little love bugs for you.

Grayson at one month

Madison at one month
I'm trying to be better about posting on my blog. But, no guarantees. So, I hope you enjoy this little update for now. :)

Baby Bump Photo Shoot

About a month before I had the babes, Jacob and I were able to get a pregnancy photo shoot done. My good friend Lacey took the photos. Her hubby is an amazing photographer and they actually did our wedding photos too. If you ever need a photographer for anything, I would absolutely recommend them. His website is

We took the photos right before sunset in Newbury Park near Portrero Road. They have some of the most beautiful outdoor settings around there. I am so happy with how the photos turned out. To me, they really portray this special milestone in mine and Jacob's lives and show a celebration of our love for each other and our new additions. I hope you enjoy them.

I hope you enjoyed them! :) Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Little Life Update

So I am finally feeling good enough to write another blog post. So much has happened that I want to write about. But I'll start with a basic update.

Manarola, Cinque Terre Italy
In August, Jacob and I enjoyed a two-week vacation in Italy; something we really wanted to do before having kids. We traveled through Rome, Cinque Terre, Florence and Siena. It was really hot, but absolutely wonderful. My master plan is to write a blog post about each place. We'll see if that happens.

About a few months ago (September), my husband and I found out that I am pregnant. Now I'm 4 1/2 months along. Oh yeah, and we're having twins - a boy and a girl! We are so excited and we're looking forward to all of the new adventures we will experience.

Jacob and Me (4 Months Pregnant)

The reason that I haven't written a blog in so long is because I was one of the lucky pregnant women to meet morning sickness face-to-face. Oh yeah, and it's not anything like how they make it seem in movies and on TV; where the character woman simply "spits up". No, it is like having a flu all the time and for me it lasted 2 1/2 months. Morning Sickness also brought her friends - Migraines and Mood Swings. lol. Luckily, I started feeling better a few weeks ago - just in time for the holidays. I feel like my old self again - with some minor side effects.

So what's on my plate now? I've started the process of converting our guest room / office / "drop the junk in here room" into the baby room. Jacob and I registered at Baby's R Us and realized just how much "stuff" comes with these little ones - especially since there's two. So, we need to get rid of a lot of stuff. That's all for now. My goal is to get back into the swing of blogging - so get your eyes and minds ready!
